Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Art of Losing Myself

There are few things more satisfying than being completely spent accomplishing something worthwhile. That's the feeling I get after a solid bike ride or a scramble up a mountain or a good run. My muscles are burning, my throat is sore from heaving breathing and I'm soaked in my own sweat. MMmmmm. The glory of the moment is the view at the top and the adrenaline rush, but the lasting joy is knowing that I conquered lethargy and pain.

The temptation in our world of pleasure and convenience to let ourselves go to waste sitting on a couch. I've been given an amazing machine in my body and I want to get the most out of it. The irony is, of course, that subjecting it to a great deal of pain and anguish is exactly what it needs become stronger and truly satisfied.

I think there's a spiritual connection to be made here too. A song that has been dear to my heart now for nearly a year is "From The Inside Out" by Hillsong United. The line that really does it for me is this:
Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In giving you praise

It's as we expend the energy in our bodies that it is most satisfied, in a God-honouring way. It's as we lose ourselves spiritually that God is glorified and praise.

This is backed-up by the word of Jesus in Matthew 10:39 (NIV):

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

Grabbing on to easy pleasures will get us nowhere. It's only as we expend ourselves that we truly find life. It makes me wonder what God is calling me to sacrifice for Him. I pray that He would show me and that I would have the courage to follow.

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